I have been struck with MOO DENG FEVER!! I cannot stop thinking about the cutest and fiercest baby pygmy hippo to ever exist so I made these adorable hand-illustrated (and digital-collaged) ‘Moo Deng being a cutie’ stickers.
I have Moo Deng sticker designs available in three styles: Cutie, Halloween, and Christmas. I hope you love them as much as I do 🙂
These moo deng sticker sheets are matte, with no glossy finish added, meaning that the stickers have a paper-texture and you can draw on top of them if you wish, perfect for you to decorate your journal, diary, bujo, scrapbook, photo album, or anything else.
Buying options:
- Single Moo Deng sticker sheet
- Or the Moo Deng Gift Bundle: Cutie, Halloween, and Christmas Moo Deng stickers (3 x sheets at 10% off compared with buying seperately!)
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