  • Spooky Swiftie Stickers | Eerie Eras Halloween Sticker Sheet | Taylor Swift Ghost Albums by Kia Creates
  • Spooky Swiftie - Taylor Swift Stickers - Halloween Ghost Stickers - Eerie Eras by Kia Creates (3)-min
  • Spooky Swiftie Bundle
  • Swiftoween Sticker and Art Print Bundles by Kia Creates
  • Spooky Swiftie - Taylor Swift Stickers - Halloween Ghost Stickers - Eerie Eras by Kia Creates (3)-min
  • Spooky Swiftie - Taylor Swift Stickers - Halloween Ghost Stickers - Eerie Eras by Kia Creates (3)-min
  • Ghost Stickers Collection by Kia Creates-min
  • Eerie Eras and Taylorween Sticker Sheets

Spooky Swiftie Stickers | Eerie Eras Halloween Sticker Sheet | Taylor Swift Ghost Albums



Spooky Swiftie Stickers: oh so you’re a Swiftie? and you love all things ghostly, spooky and Halloween? I bet you can’t name all 10 of the Eerie Eras..?

That’s right! De-BOO, Fearful, Shriek Now, Dread, Nightmare Eerie Whine, Resurrection, Shudder, Folkgore, Nevermore, and Midfrights. (PLUS the new album: The Tortured Ghouls Departed!)

As a Swiftie and a Halloween-lover, I created this whole concept and sticker sheet spontaneously after having ‘shriek now’ as a random intrusive thought and I’m so pleased with how it turned out. It’s extremely niche but I know my fellow spooky swifties are out there and I hope you’re as delighted as I am when you discover this sticker sheet. Happy Taylorween!!

This spooky swiftie stickers sheet (AKA The Eerie Eras sticker sheet) is perfectly peelable and has a matte paper finish so as well as being the perfect gift for swifties and Halloween lovers, these stickers are also great for spooky planners art journals, for scrapbooking, cardmaking, Halloween journaling, or other cute and spooky crafts.

Buying options:

  • Sticker sheet only: 1 x Eerie Eras Sticker Sheet (£2.99 ~approx 3.50USD) (now with a lil Tortured Ghouls Departed sticker added in of course!)
  • Both Spooky Swiftie Sticker Sheets: 1 x Eerie Eras Sticker Sheet + 1 x Taylorween Lyrics Sticker Sheet (£5.98 ~approx 7.30USD)
  • Spooky Swiftie Bundle: 1 x Eerie Eras Sticker Sheet + 1 x Taylorween Lyrics Sticker Sheet + 2 x Ghostly Albums mini photographic prints (please specify your fave 2 albums in the notes at checkout, otherwise leave blank for album prints to be selected at random!) (£7.99 ~approx 9.80USD) print size 8cm x 8 cm each (approximately as they will be hand cut!)
  • SUPER Swiftie Bundle: 1 x Eerie Eras Sticker Sheet + 1 x Taylorween Lyrics Sticker Sheet +  ALL 11 x Ghostly Albums mini photographic prints – print size 8cm x 8 cm each (approximately as they will be hand cut!) (£14.99 ~approx 18.40USD)

Though inspired by (and celebrating) the album covers of taylor swift, these stickers and the concepts/names created are original art by Kia Creates – please don’t copy or recreate without permission! Please note: your physical sticker sheet will of course arrive without the Kia Creates watermark plastered all over it as shown in the image, this is just to deter nasty companies who steal artists’ designs from the internet! Thank you for supporting an independent artist 🙂

In a spooky mood? Find more Halloween stickers here!

The Ghostly Sticker Collection

Interested in the idea of Halloween journaling? I run a Halloween Journaling Challenge every October over on Instagram. For news on this year’s challenge, make sure you’re following @inspiringjournals and @kia.creates on instagram, and look out for posts about #HalloweenJournalChallenge – there will be a fun spooky prompt for every day of the month and plenty of inspiration from the journaling community to get your creative energy flowing, to make your pumpkin season extra spooky, and of course, to give you plenty of opportunities to use cute Halloween stickers to your heart’s content!


Additional information

Weight 0.015 kg

Eerie Eras Sticker Sheet, Both Sheets (Eras & Taylorween), Spooky Swiftie Bundle, Super Swiftie Bundle


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